Item 3439823 94/03/14 04:53 From: DARREN_SMITH@NEXT.COM@INET# Internet Gateway Subject: NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.2 Price Increase For Immediate Release NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.2 Price Increase As of April 1, the price of NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.2 will increase to $2995, and the price of the upgrade to NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.2 will increase to $749. These price increases reflect the true value of NeXT's software development environment, and places NEXTSTEP Developer's price in line with other client/server development environments available for other operating systems, such as Windows and UNIX. NeXT's original price of $1995 was purposely set at the low-end of the pricing scale for development tools to introduce the new NEXTSTEP Developer product to the market. Now that NEXTSTEP has been shipping for almost a year and received positive reviews as being an outstanding product in the software development market, as well as the leader in object-oriented technology, NeXT is appropriately setting NEXTSTEP Developer's price point to match it's value. NeXT is currently running a special promotion through the TeleSales Department that includes both NEXTSTEP User and NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.2 for only $995. This promotion, originally scheduled to end March 31st, has been extended through the end of June. For more information, or to order the special NEXTSTEP promotion, please call (800) 848-NeXT. ---------------- NeXT and NEXTSTEP are registered trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. =END=